Monday, February 22, 2010

New Artwork

I am tickled with myself. Part of my home improvement goal is artwork. Our walls are bare because I think too much about what goes with what and where to hang things. I've been trying to fill up frames I have and then plot how to hang things. This is my new creation for my new bathroom. It is a Christmas ornament that now has a year round purpose. It coud also have a different colored background but around here black is pretty flexible. I'm having fun thinking up different things to frame. I'm off to Target to find more frames.


Larissa said...

LOVE that you thought to frame a christmas ornament! and here i was under the impression that you could only frame 2D items. i have the opposite problem - a small house with little wall space and too much artwork. there was a time (5 yrs ago when abigail was born) that i bought many beautiful and cheap canvases on ebay - they are all original abstracts and i love them. i hung them all on the walls - unframed - because i just assumed taht we would move one day and they would be perfect for the new house. that hasn't happened yet but hopefully this year. in the meantime i have lots of art to enjoy. (some canvases are also from local art fairs - my kids love to go to these)

Anonymous said...

Great idea and now a lovely piece of art!

Anonymous said...

Great idea and now a lovely piece of art!